A MOST UNUSUAL BANQUETSo...where do you hold a banquet for more than 1,400 cavers? On top of mountain? In a big convention center? Perhaps in a large circus tent? The NSS had the perfect place for this year's convention ending banquet...the Marengo Warehouse and Distribution Center, an underground facility used by both the government and a variety of different commercial companies.
The cavers were shuttled to the facility by way of school bus from the 4-H campground. The night before for the photo salon I rode one of the buses in and I can tell you there were a lot of OOHs and AAHs as we traveled inside the large tunnels once used to haul out tons of limestone rock. What makes the facility so unique is its constant temperature of 55 degrees, just like what you would find inside a cave. For the cavers, having the banquet underground was like being at home.
Inside the underground room tables and chairs were set up like you would see inside a regular convention center only in this case the walls were mostly natural limestone rock. While no real bats were seen flutter around, rubber bats were hung from the walls to help make the cavers feel more at home. Bottles of fine wine were on the tables waiting for the cavers arrival and a very tasty meal was provided before the main program began.
I have to admit I was most impressed, well maybe overwhelmed is the word I should be using in this case, by the people that I had met during the week. But before I could wrap it all up I felt like there was one thing I had to do to put it all in perspective. I had to take my own trip underground. That is what I bring you next time.
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