Now that I've introduced you to some of the faces at this year's NSS convention. I want you to meet four people in particular that I got to know and found amazing some of the things they have done.
First is Emily Davis from upstate New York. Emily has been caving 37 years and is a captain of a cave rescue unit. Several years ago Davis was with an expedition group in 1991 in the famous Lechuguilla Cave in Mexico doing a mapping project. During a rope climb a large rock fell from the ceiling and slammed into Davis's knee, leaving it broken at the joint. Davis, who is now 57, had to be removed from the cave during a 4 1/2 day rescue operation. Ninety people underground and 70 others on the surface worked both night and day to slowly move Davis from the cave. You might think that Davis would have been scared she was going to die in the cave but that wasn't the case. She was more upset that the accident forced the end of the expedition to move her out. Now she's looking forward to being inside a cave when her 60th birthday rolls around.

I don't remember the name of it but it is located near Denver, Colorado. Inside the temperature was a very hot 120 degrees and she needed special waders to handle 127 degree water pooled up in the area she was in. The oxygen level was a very low 12 percent and humidity was a whopping 99 percent. To add to all this displeasure, sulfuric acid dripped from the ceiling.
"You could only spend ten minutes at a time inside there," she said. But the big thing was there millions of microbes inside the cave making it a microbiologists dreamland. Barton described it as like being inside someone's intestines. Not the kind of thought I like at the dinner table for sure. Barton, who also works for a phamaceutical company said that some cave microorganisms create their own antibodies that might one day be used to cure some of our ills. Hopefully she'll find something to clean out the worst of them.

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