Most of you who see this will have gone to a flea market at some time or other. Some of us are even addicted to them and go everytime one shows up. Well, today I'm going to show you one of the most ultimate flea markets on the planet. This is the flea market in Shipshewana, Indiana.
The town of Shipshewana is not that big...maybe around 3,500 or so if I read correctly. That does not include the large Amish settlement located in three counties in northern Indiana. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, however, that population swells to well over 10,000 as people from all over the country show up for the town's main event. Now in this picture at the left it may not seem like much but you have to remember that this picture was taken a little after 8:00 in the morning. Three hours later this aisle of booths was packed full of people looking for a good deal. If it's something that's at all sellable you'll probably find it here someplace in the more than 1,500 booths. You could say the market is a weekly festival for the town with everybody that shows up for it. I've seen license plates from all over the country parked on the 40 acres the grounds have to offer. Not only do you see cars, however, you see something else.
Not only do the out-of-towners show up for the flea market but so do the Amish, and not just a few. One area of the grounds has a special parking are just for the dozens of buggies that show up. Some Amish even have their own booths, mainly of baked goods or items from their gardens.
Not only do the Amish sell their goods they like to find a good deal just like the rest of us so they'll walk the aisles looking for something to take back to the house as well. Amish men might look for tools for sale or something they can use on the farm. Women might find a booth selling some kind of fabric or something they can use in their yards. The Amish children, of course, are going to be looking at all the sweets for sale at the flea market. Just like you or me they like to go out and shop just like the rest of us.
Oh....I almost forgot. The flea market is not the only thing to see around the Shipshewana area. One of our favorite things to do it just simply drive the back roads where all the Amish farms are located....and you never know what you're liable to find. You may see a multi-horse drawn team working in a field. You'll usually see kids out in their yards playing some kind of game. Sometimes you'll see the kids actually working a team in the field. The like holding the reins of the horses just as much as anybody else. In this picture at left we found this Amish man following very closely behind this tractor and trailer of large hay bales. I must admit I was just a tad worried as I thought of what that bale of hay on top could do to the man if there was some sort of mechanical failure with the trailer. To be honest I didn't really think anything would happen but you have to admit it's a little nerving to see him in that position.
What I'm going to do at this point is just let you see the sights we saw during our time there. I could talk and talk but I think the pictures tell more. If you want to go, the area is around Elkhart County northwest of Ft. Wayne. It's easy to get to and takes between 5 and 6 hours to get there by car. Well, that is if you live in southern Indiana. If you see this from the west coast I guess it would take a few minutes longer. So just kind of kick back and have a look. might want to put a bib on. Some of the pictures might make you drool.
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