Each fair has its own personality. I know because I've been to more than 40 county fairs across Indiana. You might find a few things similar like with chores and things in the animal barns but if you go to enough of them you begin to see little differences. In some cases there are major differences with events on one end of the state totally different than the other end. Two counties in Indiana have combine demo derbies. One fair I went to has garden tractor races. Another one had pig wrestling where a team of three girls try to put a 60-pound pig on a tire on a 55-gallon drum filled with sand in a mud pit. Everywhere you go you'll find something just a little different than the other. It's the same way with the Crawford County fair, which I just showed you, and the Harrison County fair, which I'm going to show you now. So just simply refill that cup of lemonade (and it's really good right now when it's hot), get something to feed your face, and have another good ol' time.

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