Most of us, when we go to the Smokies, we're looking for something big, furry, and black like what I just got done talking about. We've usually got our eyes up instead of looking on the ground. Well sometime the best shows are played out on the ground by the smaller things. That is what happens in this story. On our way to Grotto Falls we stopped for a short air and water break. As I was looking on the ground I saw this 4-inch purple salamander come down a tree root. (You can see him here in the upper right of this first picture.) A couple of feet below him was this type of bee. I'm not an insect expert so I couldn't tell you what kind of bee he was but I can safely say I don't think he was the stinging kind.
Anyway the salamander came down the tree and onto the ground and something happened I never expected. The salamander made a quick right-hand turn and went charging after the bee, at one point grabbing the rear of the abdomen in his jaws. I was amazed because the bee was 4 times larger than the salamander's head.

What I was wishing for the whole time that I watched this was one of the high-definition video cameras like those used by National Geographic and The Discovery Channel. This was a series that definitely would have fit right into the likings and the kind of footage I'm sure they would have jumped for. I realize the pictures aren't quite National Geographic quality but for this story they'll do quite nicely.
The moral of the story is this. The next time you're out taking a walk look under your feet once in a while. You might just see a whole new world and see something that nobody else will. It's definitely worth the look......%-)
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