Now I bring you some of the furry things that we saw down on this trip. The first thing we did when we got to the park was to drive a section of the Foothills Parkway. We had some great views and had a picnic lunch on top of one of the smaller mountains at a picnic area that gave us a great breeze to eat by.
After that we made our way to Cade's Cove hoping to see something big and black. First though there were lots of deer out on this day. Deer aren't really a big thing for us as we see them all the time. Just a few days ago we had two in our yard in broad daylight, a doe on her way to one of our apple trees and a 6-point buck that was already there and wanted all the apples to himself, chasing away to doe so he could have his pickings of it all.
This deer was the first one we saw. She was pretty used to all the cars that went by and just mozied around looking for food. She did take the time to look at at the parade of cars occasionally.
This deer was the first one we saw. She was pretty used to all the cars that went by and just mozied around looking for food. She did take the time to look at at the parade of cars occasionally.

He took his time as well chewing on the fresh grass that had been softened by the recent rains. He didn't pay much attention to anybody either but looked up long enough let pose for me for this picture. Not many people get a chance to get this close to an antlered deer so there were several cars that stopped to take pictures as well. Still though I was really wanting to photograph something a little more hairy and darker. It wouldn't be long that I would get that chance as we noticed that the long line of cars had stopped in the road and weren't moving at all. In Cade's Cove, or anywhere else that matter in the Smokies, that's a sign that somebody is seeing what most people come to see.

Thursday we went back to Cade's Cove that morning and came up on this doe that was eating close to the fence along the road. She was in a place where I could quietly slide off the road to get really close. At first she just kept on eating but then raised her head to look right at my camera lens. It was like she was saying, "Okay, I'll pose for you." After about 30 seconds she said, "Okay, now back to my salad." and got on again with the food duties. We saw a few other deer along the way and even took at side road that looked very beary but still saw nothing.
But then came the trip back. We had gone about a mile from the Cade's Cove entrance when I just happened to look down into a gully on the opposite side. There in the bottom was a mother bear with a cub walking behind it. brain kind of went crazy at this point and I really wanted to get back to see it. I first tried pulling off the road but here came a ranger so I pulled back onto the road and drove up to the first pull off to turn around. On the way back I had to figure out which gully it was because a couple of them look alike. I couldn't see them so I turned around again. Back up we went but saw nothing again. I was really getting crazed now. We came back one more time and parked in a small parking area near the first gully.
I got out of the car and with my sense of direction all messed up went the wrong direction. I realized what I had done and turned around. As I started walking quickly back up the hill here is what I saw.

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