I'm sure there's got to be a few people who read this that will have been to this falls at one time or other. But just in case you haven't this is a waterfall well work the walk to see. The trailhead is on the Roaring Fork Auto Trail out of Gatlinburg. (Just turn at stoplight #8 and head up the mountain.) The trail itself is 1.4 miles long to the falls but if you've got a whole day to hike you can go all the way to the top of Mt. LeConte. (You have to have reservations to stay at the lodge on top. I haven't made that climb yet but want to very badly.)
Anyway the trail up really isn't that bad but it's rated as a moderately difficult trail. When you get to the falls, though, you'll find it well worth your muscle soreness later. The falls is between 20 and 30 feet tall. You can even go back underneath of it on the backside as the trail takes you inside the small grotto there.

Oh.....I did get the wife Peggy to go up with me on this one. She doesn't hike much but she did the whole 2.8. She was a little slow at times but I was the same way when I first started doing this too. The last hike I had her on was a 2.6 miler. We got a little farther this time. Maybe before long I'll have her on a big hike........%-)
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