Thursday, May 03, 2007


I decided to break this up a little so things wouldn't look so please me jumping ahead here to the next part.

If you've never been to a bed race or seen one then here's how it goes. The beds are built for racing, complete with wheels (of all sizes) steering mechanisms, crash helmets, the works. You have a driver that sits or lays on a mattress and four people who push from the rear of the bed. They then have to go through a course of about 200 meters, usually racing against another bed but also the clock.

This year there were 24 races. And these people definitely mean business when it comes down to bragging rights. Some beds have specialty built chassis just like a race car. Others have a few stranger designs like one that looked more like a big wooden box. Some use small wheels as small as about 6 inches across while others use different size bicycle wheels. Probably the best wheels used are wheelchair wheels which are a little stronger. When the green flag drops though, that's when it's all business....that comes next.


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