A Change of SeasonsYou could feel it coming in the air back in September when I was on my hike down on the North-South Trail at the Land Between the Lakes in western Kentucky. There was a bit of chill in the air and it just felt different. The seasons were getting ready to make a drastic change from summer to fall.
This year has been similar to last year in that the color across southern Indiana has not had that brilliance like it has seen in years past. Two years ago the woods literally exploded with bright colors all over. I don't know the reason for the lack of brilliance these last two years. Maybe it was too dry or maybe it was too wet. I'd just rather think that maybe Mother Nature simply had a case of artist's block like we seem to get from time to time. It's just one of those things that happens and you can't do anything about but just wait for it to pass and then go on.

So what I like to do when Mother Nature has one of those days is look for details. While you might see all of those brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds massed along a creek or river bank, sometimes it's the little things that have the look of something much bigger. I found this small weathered maple leaf and it just kind of stood out against the bark of a fallen tree that was spotted with the green of some new moss. This one little leaf smaller than the palm of my hand seemed to let you know that fall had definitely arrived. Though as small as it was the leaf told a very big story.

Next to the log was a small stream. This stream is on a 12-mile loop trail about 20 minutes from where I live and is one of my favorite places. It has the look of a stream you might see in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee and this particular spot makes a great place for a snack or lunch with plenty of big rocks to sit and take a load off. It was in this stream I once again found one of those little things with these leaves that had fallen in the water. It was evident that some of the leaves from the maples, oaks, and hickory trees had just fallen but there were others that you could tell had been there for some time, the color completely washed away by the water. The cooler air that had set in had also chilled the water as well and if you had tired feet from walking I can tell you for a fact it made them feel much better. The picture shows, though, that Mother Nature has different ways of painting a picture for us.
Before long it will be winter and we may or may not get a lot of snow. Personally I'm hoping for a couple of good snows because I want to come back to this creek and see a completely different picture. If I do I'll make that you see it too.
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