The Flea Market

Hmmm.....where do I start???
Nuts, bolts, clothes, bits, string, crafts, meat, noodles, knives, swords, lamps, coins, coin holders, cakes, cookies, lemonade, popcorn, hotdogs, ham, bacon, shoe strings, air guns, books, jewelry, scarfs, chests, sofas, chairs, coo coo clocks, watches, golf clubs, palm readings, tools, apples, pears, tomatoes, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc............
Well that's pretty much the way it was yesterday and there was so much I can't even remember it all......
This was at the flea market in Louisville this weekend....
Oh.....go carts and go buggies and go scooters.....
The place was packed.....pretty much elbow room......
And there's even more stuff..............
Hmmm.......leather linguini?????

And we sure can't leave out those plums, peaches, and squashes..........
By the way........the cookies are already gone.......I finished the last one this afternoon......they were VERY good......
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